Regular Until Irregular

The EliteHRV Morning Readiness analysis was a good score but it may have been a false reading because there were two artifacts visible on the EliteHRV HR graph which were not detected.

Today’s main workout was a 60 minute online rowing session. The target was to row at a pace of 2:10 and then sprint near the end, for a season best time. But during the last 15 minutes heart rate spiked from a normal rate of around 150 to 198 and became irregular, so I immediately slowed and rowed slow for the rest of the hour.

Finish screen view for today’s online 60 minutes.
RowPro report for today’s online 60 minutes.
RowPro graphs for today’s online 60 minutes. You can see how HR went nuts during the last 15 minutes.
On this chart you can clearly see where HR first started acting up, at the tall spike.

Happy rowing to you.