Yesterday’s session of endurance intervals required a boost of energy for the final interval. That’s because Pete Plan training guidelines for interval sessions are to do all the intervals except the last one at the target pace and then do the final interval “as fast as you can.” Or – at least definitely faster than the target pace.
Therefore, the final interval requires a bit of a boost of energy, to elevate the pace into a higher energy level and attain a resulting higher average pace for all the interval sessions.
Today’s session was what the Pete Plan refers to as a “recovery” session. A recovery sessioin gives you a day in between hard sessions, to help recover that booster energy you expended in the last interval of the day before.
The session today was 10K done at an easy pace, with the only target being to keep the average rating for the entire session at somewhere between 22-25. DF 135. No warmup or warm down.
The recovery sessions are also called “steady distance” but this one wasn’t very steady because I was watching TV and operating the channel switcher and volume control while rowing with one hand each time.

Happy trails to you.