Ready, Set, Crash

I didn’t make a screenshot of the aftermath of RowPro 5 for the Mac’s crash today. There wasn’t much to see. The above photo of broken glass looks far more dramatic than RowPro, which totally vanished / disappeared from the Mac computer desktop. After I re-opened RowPro, there was a little window with a message in it informing me that RowPro had quit unexpectedly (In case I didn’t know) and offering to share the data aftermath with Apple. I shared it and went on with rowing.

Today’s indoor rowing was supposed to be an online 30 minutes with 7 other people who were at locations around the world including the US, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and New Zealand, as you can see in the screenshot below.  But after the session start was initiated, RowPro 5 for the Mac crashed.  The system message was a bit more euphemistic and it said that RowPro 5 for the Mac “quit unexpectedly.”

This is what RowPro 5 for the Mac looked like about 1 minute before Pam initiated the starting process and RowPro crashed.

So, I set up another online 30 minute session and rowed it alone.  Not quite alone… Pam, the New Zealand rower, joined the session but she didn’t row because she was located in the RowPro office and had other sessions to watch and other things to do.  But she was available to assist, in case RowPro 5 for the Mac decided to make a habit of crashing … which it didn’t.  🙂

The only goal for today’s 30 minutes was to aim for a target heart rate of 130.

Finish screen for the 30 minutes online.
Report for the 30 minutes online.
Graphs for the 30 minutes online.
There was a 5 minute warmup which is not included among the screenshots. This is a screenshot of the 10 minute warm down finish
Report for the 10 minute warm down
Graphs for the 10 minute warm down. Notice that the slope of the effort level, from left to right, is down for the 30 minute session which had a target heart rate of 130 and the slope is up for the warm down.

Happy and as crash-free as possible rowing to you.

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