It seems like this has happened several times before. But this one was the worst so far. From the middle of yesterday’s rowing session until shortly after the beginning of today’s rowing session, heart rate was too high. By that, I mean: normally, resting HR is around 50-60 but instead it was around 100 BPM and it felt like it was skipping and galloping all the while. Part of the result was, that I was awake most of the night and got less than 3 hours of fitful sleep last night.
Today I decided to not do any of the most fun type of rowing, which is to row fast. So I started out super slow and maintained a super slow pace for a couple thousand meters, then gradually increased the effort every couple K but never rowed very hard. Heart rate started out high because it was already too high and had been for about 24 hours. But it settled down to a regular rhythm and a normal rate within the first 1,000 meters and behaved normally!!! for the rest of the 10,000 meters!!! Thanks be to God!!! – maybe I’ll get a normalish night’s sleep tonight.

Happy rowing and good sleeping to you.