Today’s main rowing session was my first time trying 12 intervals with one minute rest. The intervals were each one minute in duration and the rest in between each interval was one minute of active rest at any pace. The last 7 minutes of the total 30 minute session were used as a warm down.
I was joined by several other rowers who were located in Denmark, England and the US.
Because I’d never done the 12×1 R1 before, I started out slow with the first two intervals at a pace of about 2:00, then did intervals 3 through 6 at a pace of about 1:55. Intervals 7,8,9 and 10 were done at about 1:50 and the last two intervals were done at around 1:40, which was pretty much “flat out,” as Mike expressed it in his question of a couple days ago.
The rhythm of the 12 intervals and 12 rests reminded me somehow of poetry and was pleasing in a similar way to listening to a good poem.
Afterwards, one of the rowers said something to the effect, “I feel like I could puke!” … so I think she pushed herself harder than anyone else in the group today. Inspiring, actually…
Because today’s main rowing session started right out with the intervals and did not include any warmup time, I did an easy 15 minutes in advance of the online session, to warm up.
All-in-all, I didn’t feel like I pushed hard enough to get the full benefit of today’s twelve intervals, but that is better than pushing too hard and regretting it later.

Happy trails to you.