Pete Plan Cycle 1 Week 2 Day 4 Recovery 15K


Today was the day for a Pete Plan SS 15K.

Though I prefer to row online in the company of other people when possible, today’s session was not done online because I’ve noticed that the 15K isn’t very popular as an online session for very many others to join, even if it is scheduled a day or more in advance.  It’s not one of the standard distances for ranking is probably one reason, among many others that it is not popular.

But the main reason for not rowing it online was that I wanted to allow myself to sleep in longer than usual, if the body felt so inclined.  Therefore I didn’t know for sure when I’d be getting out of bed.  Therefore I didn’t schedule an online session due to uncertainty of what time I’d be ready to start.

I didn’t sleep in. But that was okay.  Instead of virtual human company while rowing online, I listened to music and it worked out well.

For this 15K recovery session there were three target zones set on RowPro.  The most important one was to keep heart rate somewhere in the range from 60% to 75% maximum.  As long as HR was in range, the next most important target was to keep rating equal to or very near 22. And the lowest priority target was to keep pace at about 2:11 or anything slower.

Another “review note” regarding RowPro 5 for the Mac that I’ve noticed is:  It’s session report results disregard tenths of a second in pace.  It seems to round any figure for pace off to the nearest second instead of to the nearest 1/10 of a second.  The actual average pace for today’s 15K was 2:10.4 but RowPro 5 for the Mac reports it as 2:10.

RowPro for Windows is a bit more precise and it always shows the pace results to the nearest 1/10, which would be my preference.

RowPro finish screen for this 15K

AR-Oct-19-15K-rpt AR-Oct-19-15K-chrts

Happy trails to you.