Perhaps EliteHRV Was Right

I wasn’t inclined to believe the analysis and recommendation of EliteHRV this morning…

As you can see from the above screenshot, the heart rate variability analysis from the EliteHRV app this morning recommended that I take it easy. I didn’t believe it and so I warmed up to do an attempt at a season best in rowing a 30 minute piece.

Last night’s sleep was good, at 7 hours 55 minutes logged by SleepWatch, but I felt very much like staying in bed and getting some more sleep,

But there were feelings of heart-skipping during the rowing warm-up, which frequently is a sign of impending Atrial fibrillation. So I decided to do a 30 minute session at 2:07/500m instead of aiming for a bit faster than 2:03.

Even at the slower pace of 2:07, Afib and elevated heart rate happened. So I slowed down significantly. After about one minute of the 30 minute session, heart rate started to rise disproportionately to effort. So I took a break to get an aspirin.

The atrial fibrillation continued after the 30 minute session was over. Above is a screenshot of the Apple Watch’s 2 minute graph of recovery heart rate after I stopped rowing and while I sat motionless for a couple minutes. Normally, heart rate steadily decreases during those two minutes. This time, it increased and behaved erratically.

The Afib continued through the rowing session but cleared up after the rowing was finished, after I started using the SkiErg. Go figure…

So I spent a while on the SkiErg and set two season best times for short sprints (100 meters and 1 minute) on the SkiErg.

I did 10 SkiErg pieces, for a total of 14 rowing + SkiErg. Instead of showing screenshots of each of the 14, I’ll just post screenshots of lists of the rowing and SkiErg sessions. If you really want to see them in more detail, it’s easy to do. You just visit the online logbook where my rowing sessions are available to anybody who is logged in. You can find me by looking at the listing of virtual rowing clubs and clicking on RowPro Rowers, where I’m listed among the members.

These 4 rowing sessions were done first today.
These 10 SkiErg sessions were done after the rowing sessions. The ones highlighted in blue turned out to be season best times for those particular pieces.

Happy rowing to you!

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