Today’s session was a 10K and the main goal was to once again use it as the remedy for irregular heartbeat. But it didn’t work this time. Heartbeat was irregular and way too high for the low effort level, throughout the entire 10K instead of clearing up after a few kilometers of rowing.
For a large part of the time during the session, heartbeat was too irregular for heart rate to even be measured and displayed. When heart rate could be measured and displayed, it was about 40 or 50 BPM higher than it should have been at that low effort level.
The 10K remedy didn’t totally lose its charm … An hour after the 10K, heartbeat returned to being regular. So perhaps it is just a lot slower to work its charm if there are not at least 11 hours of fasting in advance of the 10K.
Today’s rowing session is therefore not categorized as “Fun Workout” because irregular heartbeat through the entire rowing session inhibited me from rowing as hard as I’d wanted to and that involuntary restriction is not fun.
I think the reason it didn’t work this time is because I broke fast too early. The “rowing 10K to cure irregular heartbeat” method seems to be most reliable if I row in the morning before breaking fast and if it has been at least 11 hours since I’ve eaten anything. But I ate a little before rowing today.
The session screen recording is on YouTube at: Indoor Rowing 10K 07152018

Happy rowing to you.