Actually, I didn’t want to do a half marathon today. How I feel after today’s HM, including how I sleep tonight, will help to decide whether I do any more half marathons this season.
Last night I logged on to Oarbits Live Feed (the online rowing website) with the intention of scheduling a 10K session for 07:00 (7:00 a.m.). There was already an online session scheduled for that time, but it was a half marathon. I joined it instead of scheduling a 10K, because there were already two people signed up for it and therefore by joining the HM I was virtually guaranteed to have some virtual company.
That’s what makes rowing online so worthwhile: the virtual company of other REAL PEOPLE who are also rowing the same session. You can watch their pace and other information about each other rower and empathize with them. And they can do likewise.
I entered today’s half marathon results in the Concept 2 online world ranking for this season, since it is the only HM I’ve done this season and is therefore my best HM so far this season…
The session was screen-recorded for rowing along with and will be available a few hours from now at this link: Indoor Rowing Half Marathon Online 11182018

Happy rowing to you.