The workout today was 10K online in the company of two other guys. There were 8 intervals of 30 strokes each during the 10K

Happy rowing to you!
The workout today was 10K online in the company of two other guys. There were 8 intervals of 30 strokes each during the 10K
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s heart rate variability analysis with the EliteHRV app indicated that I should take it easy. So that’s what I did. The workouts were: 10K rowing at a much more moderate pace than yesterday’s, followed by a SkiErg workout at a more moderate effort level than yesterday’s.
Happy rowing to you!
Although I gave today’s workouts an overall RPE Level 4 rating, which is unremarkable, the observed lowest and highest heart rates seemed very remarkable.
One thing I have a habit of doing every morning is checking to see what my lowest/resting heart rate was during the night, and jotting it down in a notepad. The lowest heart rate during the night had been 53.
But after I changed into rowing clothes, put on the heart strap and sat on the rowing machine before starting to row, heart rate went as low as 51 BPM, which was 2 BPM lower than the lowest it had been during the night while I was laying motionless and in deep sleep!
Perhaps my body was anticipating morning coffee, with its dose of caffeine stimulant and was suppressing its own production of whatever comparable stimulant(s) it makes?
After today’s rowing session, I did a short session on the Concept 2 SkiErg. Heart rate managed to surprise me again by going to the other extreme and reaching as high as 185 during one of the SkiErg intervals.
After the workouts, I made coffee and enjoyed about 5 “cups” (30 liquid ounces) of dark black coffee during the next few hours of the morning.
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s main workout was one hour of rowing, like yesterday’s session. It was also done online, like yesterday’s session. But nobody else signed up for this session, so I did it alone.
After the 60 minutes of rowing, I did a couple hundred calories on the SkiErg.
Happy rowing to you!
Yes, it has been about 14 days since the most recent previous post here. In that time, some mostly invisible changes and improvements have been made to this website. Those changes are: the website is now encrypted and has an https address. It took a bit of work, but now if you post a comment and include your email address when making the comment (an email address is required to make a comment), that information is all encrypted and cannot be read by anybody who may be snooping/sniffing on any wifi network you use.
Though I took a hiatus from posting to this blog, I continued doing workouts on Concept 2 machines and have logged an additional 112,263 meters since March 9th.
Today’s Elite HRV morning readiness reading was good, so I was free to row at any effort level:
Today’s session was done online. For those of you who would like to row-along with it, a screen recording was made and it can be found at this link: AHh Indoor Rowing 60 minutes online 03232019
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s workout was mainly 10K online. There were 11 other rowers in the session, for a total of 12 including yours truly.
A screen recording was made for anyone who’d like to row-along. It is located on YouTube at: Indoor Rowing 10K Online 03092019
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s main session was 1K for a time challenge. It was done online, with two other guys. It was done at RPE 9 to 10. I didn’t know what pace would be best to target and seem to have started out too fast and faded through the distance.
Happy rowing to you.
Today’s workout was going to be a half marathon at 2 minutes 20 seconds per 500 meters. It was interrupted, so the total distance, not counting warm down after interruption, was 11,598 meters.
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s main workout was a 30 minute rowing session with a target pace of 2 minutes 3 seconds/500m. It was interrupted by an urgent call. After returning to the erg, used most of the remaining minutes as a warm down.
The 30 minute session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen-recording. If you row-along with it and don’t take any breaks during the 30 minutes, you should have an easy time finishing ahead of me. It’s link is at this location: Indoor Rowing 30 minutes interrupted 03032019
Happy rowing to you!
As you can see from the above screenshot, the heart rate variability analysis from the EliteHRV app this morning recommended that I take it easy. I didn’t believe it and so I warmed up to do an attempt at a season best in rowing a 30 minute piece.
But there were feelings of heart-skipping during the rowing warm-up, which frequently is a sign of impending Atrial fibrillation. So I decided to do a 30 minute session at 2:07/500m instead of aiming for a bit faster than 2:03.
Even at the slower pace of 2:07, Afib and elevated heart rate happened. So I slowed down significantly. After about one minute of the 30 minute session, heart rate started to rise disproportionately to effort. So I took a break to get an aspirin.
The Afib continued through the rowing session but cleared up after the rowing was finished, after I started using the SkiErg. Go figure…
So I spent a while on the SkiErg and set two season best times for short sprints (100 meters and 1 minute) on the SkiErg.
I did 10 SkiErg pieces, for a total of 14 rowing + SkiErg. Instead of showing screenshots of each of the 14, I’ll just post screenshots of lists of the rowing and SkiErg sessions. If you really want to see them in more detail, it’s easy to do. You just visit the concept2.com online logbook where my rowing sessions are available to anybody who is logged in. You can find me by looking at the listing of virtual rowing clubs and clicking on RowPro Rowers, where I’m listed among the members.
Happy rowing to you!