Today’s workouts consisted of an online 10K session, a 10 minute warm down online then a 6779 meter online session (all rowing). After those three, I did a SkiErg session that was 117 Calories.

Happy rowing to you!
Today’s workouts consisted of an online 10K session, a 10 minute warm down online then a 6779 meter online session (all rowing). After those three, I did a SkiErg session that was 117 Calories.
Happy rowing to you!
Yesterday evening my better half and I watched some episodes of a course on diet and exercise by Dr. Michael Ormsbee. It is a very much in-depth course, on the college level. I would have to watch the episodes again and take a few pages of notes if I were to be tested on it. But the purpose of watching it wasn’t to become experts. The purpose was to expose ourselves to some teaching on the subject which is based on research studies and the evidence gathered by those.
One thing Dr. Ormsbee mentioned that I already knew was enough to both remind and re-motivate me to resume rowing again today. I can’t quote it exactly from memory, but the sense of it was something I already knew: the single most helpful thing a person can do for the sake of good health and avoiding diseases is to workout.
Today’s workout was a 10K online interval rowing session in the company of a few others, followed by 10 minutes of warm down rowing. The warm down rowing was also online in the company of others. After the rowing I topped it off with a series of six 10-Calorie intervals within a single 116 Calorie SkiErg session.
Happy rowing to you!
There was no rowing or other workout either yesterday or today. But I’ve been in contact with another guy who uses RowPro and likes to row online in scheduled sessions as part of his motivation/incentive to do frequent rowing and I may soon resume rowing online if we can get mutually agreeable, scheduled online sessions arranged.
And now for the topic of tracking heart rate variability: My EliteHRV “Morning Readiness” scores for today and yesterday:
Happy rowing to you!
Happy rowing to you!
The online half-marathon session that was scheduled for early this morning was canceled after I checked, about 2 hours before it was scheduled to start, and saw that nobody else had signed up for it.
I’d had another night of sleep interrupted by a period of wakefulness aka insomnia. After canceling the online session I went back to bed and slept until a few hours before noon, which was a lot later than desired but which at least provided a total amount of sleep of a little more than 7 hours, which is what seems to be the needed amount of daily sleep.
Maybe a full marathon tomorrow?
Happy rowing to you!
Insomnia last night, slept in late today. Again.
Didn’t do any rowing or other workout today. Again.
But on the positive side, I felt very rested after getting out of bed today!
Scheduled a half marathon for early tomorrow morning. I wonder if that will come to pass?
Happy rowing to you!
Yesterday, the problem was insomnia. Today, the problem was the extremely low “Morning Readiness” reading from the EliteHRV app when it measured heart rate variability. So I didn’t row today.
The problem causing the extremely poor reading was probably due to a bout of irregular heartbeat as you can see displayed in the EliteHRV graph above.
I deleted that EliteHRV reading, had breakfast, skipped having any coffee and took some aspirin. Then I took a long nap. After the nap, I took another reading with EliteHRV and this time it was a good score. But it was too late in the day to do any rowing.
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s Elite HRV app “morning readiness” reading was once again a perfect 10. But I didn’t do any rowing today, because insomnia kept me awake last night, I didn’t get to sleep until just before sunrise and slept until about 1 PM. There wasn’t much day left by then and other things took priority.
Happy rowing to you!
This morning’s heart rate variability analysis gave a score of 10, which is as good as it gets with the EliteHRV app’s Morning Readiness reading.
So I decided to go for an SB (season best) in the 10K rowing. After that, there was a 115 calorie interval session on the SkiErg.
Happy rowing to you!
Today’s workouts were another in the recent string of typical 10K rowing followed by 100+ calories on SkiErg. But the HRV morning readiness analysis (using the EliteHRV app) advised taking it easy, so both the rowing and SkiErg sessions were relatively boring. Especially the rowing session… it was so boring that I stood up and walked away from the machine for a minute or so during the session.
The rowing session was done online, but nobody else joined it today.
After rowing and ski-erging, I started sipping coffee. Had some breakfast. Finished all the coffee. The coffee was “regular”, caffeinated and quite strong but after finishing alllll of the coffee – five cups – I felt like taking a nap and slept for about 90 minutes. Perhaps that nap will improve tomorrow’s HRV reading?
Happy rowing to you.