Today started with a very poor HRV analysis by the EliteHRV app and today’s workouts were both blah.
They were blah, because atrial fibrillation happened throughout. Not only did the heart go flutter-flutter, but it also went way too fast for the low effort level. I thought that maybe it would “straighten up and fly right,” before the end of the 10K rowing or the SkiErg session but it didn’t. Hopefully, it will straighten up today or tonight.
But on the BRIGHT SIDE: Though both rowing and SkiErg workouts were very moderate, at least I was able to work up a bit of a sweat. Eventually… it took quite a while, but eventually, sweat happened during the rowing session and continued, through the SkiErg session. The sweat was not profuse, by any means, but it was drippy like proper, respectable sweat should be.

Happy rowing to you.