Today’s workout resembled yesterday’s, with a few small differences. Today’s pace boat was set to a bit faster pace of 2:17 instead of 2:18. The difference amounted to an increase of 4,000 calories work. (4,000 calories = 4 “food Calories” / kilocalories.)
Heart behaved mostly okay during today’s rowing session but occasionally became irregular, causing heart strap receiver to lose count of BPM and display a blank reading for heart rate.
Because of the scattered irregularity during the rowing session, I decided to take it easy on the SkiErg session which immediately followed. Like yesterday’s SkiErg workout, today’s was alternating work/rest intervals of 10 Calories each, to a total of 156 Calories. The total amounted to 1 “food Calorie”) more than yesterday’s 155 Calorie SkiErg session. (See the Terms and Abbreviations page for a bit more about the term calorie or Calorie).
Happy rowing to you!