More Fun Indoor Rowing

These OTW rowers are mostly smiling, but the other part of the picture doesn’t convince me that they are having more fun than I did today with indoor rowing.

Today’s training session was a rest and recovery 6K.  In addition to the 6K there was a total of 4K warmup/down.

Before the 6K, another strength-training pushups session was done, with a tiny bit of progress overall. The pushups results are in the last image below.

Training details for today, with graphs of the 2K warmup below it.
Finish screen of today’s 6K rest and recovery.
Session report
Though today’s session didn’t call for much mental effort, I was a lot more focused today than yesterday and it shows, in the pace per stroke graph.

For today’s strength training, the total number of pushups done in the session decreased by 1 compared to the previous session but the number of consecutive pushups done in one set increased by one, from 10 to 11.  So I count that as a tiny overall improvement.


Happy rowing to you.

4 thoughts on “More Fun Indoor Rowing”

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