Virtuously early this morning, I rose from bed.
Argument might be made by some that rising early has nothing to do with virtue.
Nonetheless, it somehow feels virtuous.
I will accept virtuous feelings where they can be found.
Surprisingly, that virtue was sort of swallowed by about three hours of doing nothing in particular before finally taking the reins and spurring myself to change into workout clothes and start that sort of work.
Happily, once the workout strokes were started, they flowed unabated until the sessions were adorned with sweat and completed.
In keeping with recent practice the first workout session was 200 Calories on the SkiErg.
Next after the SkiErg a bit of rebellious protest made itself heard from the subconscious realm. It expressed desire to do only 3K rowing today, like yesterday’s had been, instead of the more usual 10K.
Getting right down to business bargaining with my subconscious, we arrived at a prompt agreement to compromise with 5K rowing instead of the full 10K or a more paltry 3K.
So the workout sessions were quickly done and without irregularity on the part of the heart except for what is alluded to in today’s title: four brief vanishings of heart rate from the display.

Happy rowing to you.