Marching To Different Drummers

Another cloud-enhanced sunrise.

Today’s rowing session was scheduled online and joined by 14 rowers in Europe and the US.  Mostly Europe.  The name given to the session was “30 Restful Minutes or Row Hard If You Prefer” which resulted in a variety of paces and efforts. Rowers Alex and Vincent had an excellent race, finishing within one meter of each other.

I rowed a low stroke rate which was a restful compromise between rowing slow and either rowing hard with intervals or at a faster pace.

At a low stroke rate there’s a lot more time to rest between strokes but each pull has to be stronger than at a higher stroke rate, to maintain any given pace.


RowPro behaved well and did not crash, like it did the previous time when the session was almost full to capacity.  RowPro behaved well for me and most of the others, at least.  Two of the rowers might have had RowPro crash on them, because they did not finish.

Finish screen for today’s restful 30 minutes
Today’s session report

Happy trails to you.