Today was the first day of rowing after two days of abstention from rowing. To make up for some of those lost-in-the-past meters, today’s session was longer than usual at 24,000 meters. I rowed at a mostly very easy pace and it was fun and not the least boring. Until around 17,000 meters with about 7,000 meters remaining. Then it started to get a little boring, so I turned on the monitor connected to an original model Apple TV, went to YouTube and started the Head Of The Charles Rowing Power Workout video.
With that video running and nine intervals to do in the remaining distance, it became fun again. The intervals were done with restrained effort, not very hard, because I didn’t know if any of the body’s systems would make a fuss if I just jumped back at the usual pace after two lazy days off.
All systems were AOK, as an astronaut might say.

Happy rowing to you.