Late And A Bit Short But Satisfying

The Apple Watch’s new workout recovery measuring feature showed a satisfactorily steep recovery curve during the two minutes after today’s 8K.

Today’s indoor rowing took a lower priority than visiting the dentist, running errands and other things not worth listing.  One thing that might be worth listing among “other things” is that I printed a few cards onto business card stock and will carry some of them with me when out of the house, so that I can give them to anyone who shows what seems to be any real interest in exercising on an erg. What the cards look like is shown immediately below this paragraph.

If some of the people who are lucky enough  🙂  to get one of these cards take up indoor rowing and also row on the internet, perhaps I’ll have a bit more company in this time zone when rowing online. That would be nice. The image above shows the front view (left) and the back view (right) of what each card looks like.

Because today’s rowing was started late, it was less than the usual minimum goal of 10K in order for me to finish before dinner time.  But at 8K, it was close and it felt like it did some good.

If you look at the heart rate graphs for today’s session report and notice that the graphs are messy again, I think that’s because in addition to the strap transmitter having a low battery of between 40% to 60%, the strap wasn’t wet enough when the session started.  It’s a cloth strap and only works when it is wet.  Also, my skin was dry.  And the room was a bit cold.  So, with the moderate pace of rowing, it took quite a while before there was perspiration enough for the heart strap to be optimally conductive to the heart signal.

The session was at an easy pace but it was fun and mentally absorbing because once again I avoided watching a distracting movie and instead just focused on the rowing, counting strokes and other mindful rowing-oriented thoughts.

Here are today’s rowing session screenshots:

Finish screen for today’s 8K session.
RowPro report for today’s 8K session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 8K session. It took a while for the heart strap to become sufficiently wet with perspiration, for it to conduct the heart signal reliably.

Looking forward to a couple of race-pace sessions sometime this month:  For, I’ll do this month’s challenge which is called The Red Line Rev Up. And for the Indoor Rowers League, the challenge event for November is to do 6,344 meters at race-pace.  I’ll probably do the c2ctc challenge first.  For the Indoor Rowers League challenge, I’ll wait until toward the end of the month to do it, so I can see how the others in my age group do, and choose which of those times to use as a target to beat. 🙂

Happy rowing to you.

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