Is Normal Heart Rate Just a Phase?

Finish view for today’s 10K rowing.

Though I haven’t posted about it for a couple of days, I’ve been continuing with doing workouts daily. The workouts done (and their graphs) during the days when nothing was posted to this blog can be viewed in my online logbook via this link.

Heart rate was busy with atrial fibrillation during those days which had no blog entries. But TODAY the heart was and still is acting NORMAL! Hooray!

I’m starting to wonder, though, if acting normal is “just a phase?”

Today’s workout activity was more “detraining,” which is to say that it was done at a very low level of effort. If you have read the relevant earlier posts in which I mentioned the book titled “The Haywire Heart” then you know that one of the possible solutions to rid oneself of atrial fibrillation is to “detrain,” which theoretically might reverse or allow to heal whatever damage was done to the heart with excessive training which caused the atrial fibrillation.

Today’s workouts consisted of five sessions of 50 calories each on the SkiErg and those served as a warmup for the rowing session. The rowing session was 10,000 meters at a steady pace with the goal being to average a pace of 2:34.5/500 meters.

RowPro report for today’s 10K
RowPro graphs for today’s 10K.

Happy rowing to you!

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