For today, I signed up to row 10,000 meters online at 14:00 (2:00 p.m.) GMT which is 07:00 local time. But I had a bit of trouble sleeping and was awake for a couple hours in the middle of the night. I went back to bed at about 03:40 and when I woke the next time, for a call of nature, it was from a very, VERY deep at at 05:15. Nature has a way of waking a person from the deepest sleep. I decided I’d rather get more sleep than get up with the alarm at 06:00, so I grabbed my cellphone, opened the myRowPro app and signed out/withdrew from the online session. Then I disabled the wake-up alarms and went back to bed.
The next time I woke it was almost 08:00 after a total of about 6 hours sleep and I felt normally rested.
So I did 10,000 meters solo, offline. Before setting up the 10K, I checked to see if I’d ranked a 10K yet this season and yes, I had. The one I’d entered into the Concept 2 10,000 meter Indoor Rower Rankings had been at an easy pace, so I decided to try to beat it by just a little bit, with another easy-paced 10K. Today’s session was a success in that respect and moved me up one ranking, from 24th out of 53 all the way up to 23rd place, out of 53 results ranked at that point in time. Whoopee! 🙂
The “hiccup” mentioned in today’s title refers to a single episode of heart strangeness: irregular heartbeat that lasted about 5 seconds, beginning after about 3,077 meters (when the remaining distance had counted down to about 6,923). Heartbeat rhythm wavered just that one time but then settled down and returned to normal about 20 meters later when remaining distance had counted down to about 6,923 meters.
The session was screen recorded, for those of you who’d like to row-along with it. It is available on YouTube at this link: Indoor Rowing 589 Calories 08252018
RowPro 5 for the Mac has the ability to compare two similar rowing sessions and calculate if there is any improvement or other difference since a previous rowing session of the same type. I compared today’s 10K with the one I’d previously done and ranked on July 17th and RowPro said there was a “net performance increase” compared to July 17th. I’m no statistician though, so I don’t know if the difference between today’s 10K and that of July 17 is “statistically significant”.

The session was recorded and uploaded to YouTube for those who would like to row-along. Its link is: Indoor Rowing 589 Calories 08252018
Happy rowing to you.