Houston, We Had A Problem

I couldn’t find a picture of a rowing machine on the moon. Diane says she can make a picture like that for me, for use sometime in the future.

Today for the first time in quite a few sessions, I rowed online with a few other people instead of alone.  But things didn’t go perfectly smoothly.  Something went wrong with the RowPro server, which is located in Houston.  Four people started out together, then the server announced that there was a “false start” but it showed two people to be rowing.  One of them never came back.  The other one, though he appeared to be rowing (because his chat room avatar turned into circular arrows) actually was still there, because his avatar turned into a pencil when he started typing to inform the other two of us that he was still there.

So… three of us set up a QR which stands for “Quick Row” which means it is an unscheduled row and we rowed together.  I don’t know what happened to the 4th guy.  He may still be tangled up in the Houston server.

The session online was 10,000 meters.  Before it started, I warmed up with 10 minutes very easy.  During the 10K, I rowed the first 1K at about 2:20, then picked up the pace to around 2:15 which was also about 130 BPM heart rate today.  (It varies from day to day).  For the last 1,000 meters, I went faster so as to elevate the heart rate with a little bit of semi-high intensity sort of rowing, but not too hard.

Afterwards, we said good bye to each other then I did 5 minutes of supplemental rowing.  Because it’s almost dinner time now, I’m not going to take the time to include screenshots of the 10 minute or 5 minute sessions and will only show the 10K session screenshots.

Finish screen for today’s main session, the 10K.
Report for today’s main session, the 10K.
RowPro graphs for today’s main session, the 10K.
Apple Watch graph of heart rate for two minute recovery time immediately after stopped rowing the 10K.

Happy rowing to you.

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