There was no atrial fibrillation yesterday or last night until sometime after 1 a.m. I’d been sleeping very soundly until 12:45 a.m. when I was forced awake by a “call of nature.” After returning to bed I began to feel a bit warm and got out of bed again to adjust the thermostat so it would cool the house by a couple degrees toward what is supposed to be the ideal room temperature for sleeping, 65 degrees F.
It seems that my heart is not yet sufficiently “detrained” from all the hard rowing I used to do and if atrial fibrillation is going to start, it will be during times when it has to adapt from its fully resting slowest idling rate while sleeping to a bit faster when walking etc. That’s my theory anyway.
So AF started last night sometime after 12:45 a.m. – probably around 1:30 or 2:00. At any rate, I was wide awake from 12:45 until 04:00 and managed to get about 5 hours sleep before the alarm went off at 08:00.
Today’s workout sessions were all on the rowing machine. Two of them were online in the virtual company of three other people. The other three of the total of 5 sessions were offline.

All data and graphs can be seen via this link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data & graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for the particular session.
Happy rowing to you!