If you want to see the flat – line heart rate graph, you’ll have to scroll down the the RowPro session report graph because the finish screen is simply blank in the heart rate area when no heart strap is used.
Actually, heart rate was a bit more than zero today but RowPro 5 for the Mac plotted the heart rate graph as a flat line at the zero level, because I didn’t use the heart strap today.
Also, there was no screen recording made of today’s rowing session.
Session report for today’s zero heart rate session.RowPro 5 for the Mac is happy to display a flat line for heart rate if no heart strap is used.The Concept 2 online logbook chart doesn’t display anything for heart rate if there is no heart rate data. This seems to be a more correct approach, in my opinion. But it’s of zero consequence either way (pun intended).