For today’s rowing, I decided to apply a bit more than usual effort, so as to raise heart rate enough to get a relevant reading of heart rate recovery. One of the nicer additions/improvements to the capabilities of the Apple Watch is that it will measure and display heart rate recovery after a workout. The image at the top of today’s blog post is a screen shot of the results today, for the two minutes after the main rowing session ended. A heart rate decrease of from 15 to 25 BPM, by the time two minutes has elapsed immediately after stopping exercise, is healthy. A heart rate decrease of 12 BPM or less is unhealthy.
As you can see in the screenshot above, my heart rate decrease seems to be healthy, since 58 BPM is more than the minimum healthy amount of 15 BPM. So… In that regard I guess I can be a happy chappie.
The main rowing today was 10,000 meters. It was done online but alone. There was also a 5 minute warmup and warm down.

Happy rowing and heart rate recovering to you.