Hard Enough, Distance Enough

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Today was not a twofer because I’m almost caught up to being current again in the Pete Plan training.

So I did a “hard distance” at a pace vigorous enough to qualify as “hard” though it was not at a race pace. It was preceded and followed by 2.5K warm up and warm down.

So the finish screens, reports and charts below are warm up, 5K main session and warm down, in that order from top to bottom.

Target pace for today’s 5K was 2:00/500m which pace required both the will to row hard and simultaneously the restraint to not push harder and go into a race pace.

HR stayed in zones 1 and 2 of 5 zones for me for almost all the session until near the very end when HR started to edge up out of zone 2.  But it was well below LTHR throughout.  Relative to my recent best 2K TT, this 5K was done at 85% of that 2K Watts.  So I’m not sure if that means I was (A) rowing above the UT1 zone or (B) if my 2K TT time should be a lot better than it was the most recent time I did it.  It “felt right” and HR could have been a lot higher if I was pushing harder, so I think that if either (A) or (B) is true, it is the latter.

Tomorrow would be a rest day in Pete Plan, but I’ll use it for the steady state session which should have been done today if I’d been totally caught up and on schedule.

AF-Dec-16th-warmup-finish AF-Dec-16th-warmup-rpt AF-Dec-16th-warmup-chrts

AF-Dec-16th-5K-finish AF-Dec-16th-5K-rpt AF-Dec-16th-5K-chrts

AF-Dec-16th-warmdown-finish AF-Dec-16th-warmdown-rpt AF Dec 16th warmdown chrts

Happy trails to you.