I was thankful to get some sleep last night and thankful to wake up this morning. I was thankful for the gift God gave me of my wife and children. Those were just a few of the things for which I was thankful today.
Everyday is better if it is filled with thankfulness and the American Thanksgiving holiday is a particular day to remind us of that. If you’d like to read an uplifting and historically accurate article about the first Thanksgiving Day in America, here’s a link: The Little Known Miracle That Saved the Pilgrims
Now, about today’s workouts:

Continuing with the abbreviated approach started on September 28, 2019 and unless it’s a day when I feel otherwise inclined there is only a summary listing of the day’s workout activity. (The abbreviated approach is far less time-consuming than what I’d been doing most days before that particular day in September.)
Comments and questions are welcome.
If you’d like to see additional detail of any of the workouts listed in the day’s summary here’s how to do it: You must have a free logbook account at the Concept 2 website. If you have a logbook account there, log in to the Concept 2 online logbook, find me, click to view my profile and you can see all the detail of any workout I’ve done by clicking to view my log and selecting the particular workout.
If you are one of my Concept 2 logbook training partners, you just click the training partner tab in your logbook and navigate from there.
Happy rowing to you!