Today’s happy rowing on Friday started late because first I had to take the car for emissions inspection & registration renewal. Today was one day before it was too late and the registration expired. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. The lines were long, so there were plenty of others who had put it off until the day before the last day also.
After that, I ran an errand to the store and noticed that one of the tires was almost flat. So I stopped at the tire dealer to get that taken care of and learned that the six year old tires needed to be replaced.
By the time I could do today’s rowing and pushups session, the afternoon was almost over.
Today’s rowing was 4x1000r750 within a total distance of 8K, with a 2,750 meter warmup/down added on.
The spreadsheet display of pushup session results for today will be the last image below.

The results for today’s strength training pushups session is on the line for Week 5, F(riday) in the image below:
Happy rowing to you.