For The Sake Of The Heart

I could have chosen to row a shorter distance today by setting the session distance to match the most recent two unmatched rowing sessions by my training partners, but I decided to go with a longer distance and did a 10K instead.  Because the 10K, if done not too easy and not too hard, seems to be a “magical” distance for heart health.

A screen recording was made for anyone who wants to “row along” and it will be available at this link: Indoor Rowing 10K 07122018

A suggestion for anyone who wants to row along is to try matching heart rate instead of keeping pace with distance.  If your maximum heart rate is different from mine, you might have to either add or subtract a certain number of beats.  But it should be a good workout for you, without turning into a race to see who can get to the finish line first.

Happy rowing to you.