First SkiErg 10K Was A Real Challenge

Today’s main session was to do 10K on SkiErg, for the Concept 2 February challenge. This certificate was the reward.

Today was the the day before the deadline to do 10K on the SkiErg, for the Concept 2 February 2019 challenge. I wasn’t looking forward to it, because I’d not done any SkiErg distance over 5K and didn’t know what pace or drag factor would be best. So I decided to simply be satisfied to do the distance at any pace and then use resulting average pace as a target next time.

A complication was this very poor reading from EliteHRV this morning. But since the HRV session heart rate graph had an artifact and it appeared not to have compensated correctly, I decided to ignore it.
Sleep logged by the SleepWatch app was good, at 7 hours.
Finish screen for today’s 10K on the SkiErg.

At the start of today’s 10K, the pace I had in mind was about 2:21. But after the first 1,000 meters I decided to just do the distance at an easy pace, with some variation in pace and a few intervals of 100 meters or more once in a while. It worked out well. I sweated a LOT, as evidenced by the large wet spot on the towel that covered the SkiErg platform. So I rated it at RPE Level 7 even though I was breathing easy most of the time. The RPE chart (it is in the Terms and Abbreviations area of this blog) is not an exact science gauge.

Report for today’s 10K on the SkiErg.
RowPro graphs for today’s 10K on the SkiErg.

Happy rowing to you!

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