A cardiologist with whom I consulted recently regarding occasional heart rate irregularity recommended that I take blood thinner. I declined his recommendation because I know that not only are some of the prescription blood thinners literally the same chemical as used in rat poison, but also because taking a blood thinner tends to be a one-way street. With no exit. It is dangerous if not fatal to stop taking blood thinners, once a person starts.
I tried to talk with the doctor about any thoughts he had on helpful, healthy changes in lifestyle or diet, but he didn’t want to talk about those and stuck to recommending taking blood thinner.
So I’m trying modifications in diet, eating times and also adding some limited fasting. By fasting, I mean that it is very limited so far and usually not much more than around 14 hours from the evening meal until breaking fast the next day.
To supplement, accelerate and amplify the beneficial effect of that limited fasting, I’m trying to do my rowing in the mornings, before eating anything.
So far, it’s been working. Far fewer episodes of atrial fibrillation. In fact, virtually none at all… as long as I don’t eat a late meal after 7 or 8 pm and as long as the evening meal is not a large one that makes me feel full. And… as long as I also do my rowing before eating the next day.
Blood thinners, begone!
Today’s rowing was divided into 4 sessions. The first two were done in “just row”mode with the PM3 only (without using RowPro 5 for the Mac software) because the computer was busy updating its operating system.

By the time the computer system update was finished, I’d already rowed more than 5K so I set up a RowPro session for 5K. That session was also recorded and uploaded to YouTube at the following link: “Indoor Rowing 71 years old 5K variable pace 04062018“.

Happy rowing to you.