A little chaos is part of the spice of life and is probably so by divine design. But today’s measure of chaos seemed a bit too much. Today’s workout was bothered by excessive chaos of the heart, which has been assigned the medical label “paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.”
If I hadn’t been wearing a heart strap while using the Concept 2 ergs, I might not have noticed it, because it felt a little fluttery but nothing I would notice if my mind was focused elsewhere such as on some physical activity, reading a book, playing a game etc.
But I was wearing a heart strap and its display showed that the little fluttery feeling was correlated with heart rate being too high. When it was regular enough to be displayed. The rest of the time, heart rate was not displayed and unknown.
Today’s plan was for there to be 3 workout sessions. The first was going to be 181 Calories on the SkiErg at a pace of 2:21. But because heart rate was climbing much too high for the effort level, I cut the first session short after 80 calories and took a break, so heart rate could settle. Heart rate didn’t settle, so I did the remainder of the SkiErg workout as a 100 Calorie session, at 2:21 pace. Those two sessions added up to the day’s goal of 181 Calories on the SkiErg.
The rowing workout was a pair of sessions: The first one was the moderately fun session: 1,000 meters at 2:06. The second rowing session was 10,000 meters at an extremely slow pace while I watched a documentary I wanted to see about purifying water.
During both rowing sessions heart rate was very irregular. Other than that, everything was normal. By “everything was normal,” I mean that if I’d talked with a cardiologist about it, as I have about previous episodes of “heart strangeness,” there would have been questions such as “did you feel any chest pains, tightness or shortness of breath?” My answer would have been “No, I was breathing very easy, virtually the same as if I’d not been working out.” None of the workouts done today were hard enough and/or long enough to even make me sweat.
The only session recorded for my YouTube channel today was the 1K. That 1,000 meter session was recorded for those of my 19 subscribers (at last count) and others who would like to row along with it. It is available as a screen recording on YouTube at: Indoor Rowing 1000 meters at 2min 6sec pace 07202019

Happy rowing to you!