Enlightninged Workout

If you were wearing a heart strap and it momentarily became electrified, it might feel like a tiny, lightning bolt.

If you are one of those people who are observant and knowledgeable about the correct spelling of words, you might have a problem with the first word in today’s title.

Nice of you to notice and I compliment you on your observational powers if you saw and concluded that the word was either misspelled and/or that there is no such word.

Some people, however, have poetic licenses. I am one of those people who is poetically licensed and today I exercised that license to make up a word. It is a combination of the words enlightened and lightning.

Perchance you recall from yesterday’s blog post that I had heart annoyances yesterday throughout all three installments of yesterday’s SkiErg workout and during the rowing workout until I’d rowed 4,001 meters.

In addition to what I reported yesterday as happening at about 4,001 meters and 18 minutes 24 seconds into the rowing session (“…heart rate suddenly became normal and dropped down into a normal, totally appropriate range for the effort level….”) there was something else. It felt like an electric shock across my chest beneath the area where the heart strap was worn.

Reluctance which amounted to total absence of its mention yesterday was because I just didn’t know what to think of it. But after sleeping on it and turning it over in my mind, I’ve concluded that it is in the same category of some other non-explainable things which have happened to me.

A medical/physiological explanation could be assigned to it, of course.

The trite (in my opinion) term with which it might be labeled and simultaneously explained would be the ominous term “chest pain.” But it wasn’t painful at all. It felt electric, definitely. And perhaps if it lingered a while instead of being so very brief, it might have been classified as pain. But it was very brief and although it felt very electric, like some mild electric shocks I experienced many decades ago when as a boy I deliberately put my fingers into sockets meant to hold the ends of fluorescent light bulbs, to see what it felt like – the electric sensation in my chest yesterday sort of tickled, which is not exactly how I’d describe the self-induced electric shocks I experienced as a boy.

I put the sensation, along with the eventual outcome of all of yesterday’s wrestling match of trying to do the workout and shake off heart rate irregularity, into a category that includes an incident once upon a time decades ago when a radio turned on without human intervention and the voice on the radio spoke a message consisting of three brief sentences which I was primed and ready to hear.

Objectively and plainly speaking, I have opted to classify it as a miracle that the heart irregularity suddenly just stopped and the “electric shock” as a symptom of whatever transpired with that miracle inside my chest.

Naive I may be, but that’s how I’m taking it and filing it away in my memories.

At any rate and no matter what you or anyone else chooses to opine or believe about it, the totality of yesterday’s experience was fresh in my mind this morning and was more than enough motivation to get me to the ergs and start today’s workout without any undue delay. I have been struggling with motivation for workouts recently so I was “primed and ready” for motivation from the ethereal realm today.

The totality of today’s workout consisted of two sessions. The first session was 250 Calories on the SkiErg. At the start of the SkiErg session, I wondered if I could remain focused enough to count every stroke so that my stroke count would agree with what the monitor reported after the results were uploaded to the Concept 2 logbook. I counted 593 strokes. After downloading the CSV file for the session, examination showed the final stroke count was 593. Hurray for John’s brain! It remained focused for 24 minutes and 45.8 seconds!

The second session today was 10,000 meters rowing. To turn the rowing session into a sort of friendly “race,” I played a YouTube video of a moderate 10K rowing session and made it my goal to finish about 500 meters ahead of that 10K screen recording. The particular YouTube indoor rowing screen recording I watched while rowing was Indoor Rowing 10K 07122018. Though I watched it for the sake of the “race,” I muted it for the sake of keeping the noise down to normal levels of only the actual live sounds in the room.

The first 150 Calories of the session was very leisurely. The last 100 Calories included a few intervals.
The number for the final stroke count of today’s SkiErg session can be seen in the bottom left corner of this screenshot of the last part of the CSV file for the session.
Finish screen for today’s 10K rowing session.
RowPro report for today’s 10K rowing session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 10K rowing session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart & data for today’s 10K rowing session.

Happy rowing to you!

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