The above photo was found on the row2K website at THIS LINK. She can do a nice handstand, while someone else keeps the boat balanced… I wonder what kind of a 2K time she can do?
Today’s indoor rowing session was 11,000 meters with a pace boat. The pace boat had a pace of 2:21 and rating of 24 and its rower was a female with a Finland flag. The latter (female pace boat rower with a Finland flag) is because I discovered that RowPro 5 for the Mac can be set up with customized pace boats and a choice of options for the pace boat rower. So I chose the color of clothes for the pace boat rower and also gave her brown hair and rather pale skin, because I assume that people in Finland don’t get an over abundance of sunshine.
As far as keeping pace with today’s pace boat went, I only “sort of” kept pace, because I was watching a distracting video, some of which was in a foreign language which required me to pay attention to its closed-captioned translation into English.

Happy pacing to you.