December 20th Through Dec 23rd 2018

On the above dates listed in the title, the rowing machine has been sadly idle. Because it is an emotionless, lifeless machine, the sadness is all my own. But it has to be, because other activities are displacing the time and opportunity for rowing and will be doing so for another few days it looks like.

I should be rested and ready for any kind of rowing sessions when rowing can be resumed again, because the most recent HRV readings “say so”:

Readiness score for Dec 20th but no rowing could be done.

Sleep for morning of Dec 20th…

Best score yet, on morning of December 21, 2018!! but alas! no rowing could be done today 🙁

Another good night of sleep, on December 21, 2018… all that rest and nowhere to row!
The sleep period for morning of December 22nd was mostly insomnia.
Sleep today (the morning of Dec 23rd) was actually very good. More rest, toward getting a full charge for rowing…

Happy rowing to you.