Today is the ninth day of not adding any supplemental salt to anything I eat. But the streak of days without an episode of atrial fibrillation has ended.
Today’s plan was to do a 200 Calorie SkiErg session and 10K rowing. Heart felt a bit fluttery this morning and it might have been at least partly related to a bad night’s sleep. You can see last night’s sleep summary at the top of this page. It might not be exactly right. Total sleep may have been quite a bit less than 4 hrs 15 minutes.
I don’t know how much of a factor the late-to-bed time was in last night’s poor sleep. But I didn’t eat my last bite of food until about 9:00 pm or a bit later and whenever I go to bed less than 2 or 3 hours after eating, sleep quality suffers also.
During the first workout session heart rate felt sporadically unsteady and then became steadily more unsteady and shifted to a rate that was too high. It remained too high and kept climbing even higher though the SkiErg effort was low.
Because the heart’s misbehavior continued after the SkiErg session finished, I shortened the rowing session to 3,000 meters. Heart rate was very irregular during the 3K rowing and most of the time the heart rate display was blank with the corresponding RowPro graph at zero BPM.

Happy rowing to you!