Today is the eighth day of not applying any additional salt to food via salt shaker or any other means. I continue to be amazed that not a single episode of atrial fibrillation has happened since day one.
As you can see in the above chart for today’s SkiErg session, heart rate responded normally before and following each interval. Heart rate was also not triggered into any elevated rate and remained in normal range for the entire session.
Before I stopped indulging in supplemental salt, heart rate during the fluttery feeling of Afib would get too high and it got above 200 BPM several times. The highest it reached was 210 BPM during Afib while working out.
After this morning’s SkiErg session I rowed 10,000 meters at an average pace of about 2:14/500 meters. Heart rate felt normal and was in very normal range from start to finish. The heart rate graph for the rowing session doesn’t look good but it is good. The display went blank quite a few times as you can readily see on the heart rate graph, but when it reappeared on the display it was always the same or very near where it had been.
And- during the last couple hundred meters or so of the 10K I slowed way down to about 3:00/500 meters. If I’d been having Afib, heart rate would have remained up wherever it had been. But heart was on good behavior and it slowed down right along with the reduction in effort and slower rowing pace during those final couple hundred meters.
So I continue to be amazed and happy at the results of abstaining from supplemental salt.

Happy rowing to you!