Conserving Energy?


If you had to make a long walk across a desert and had limited water, you would probably conserve energy by walking at the most moderate and efficient speed.  Today’s RowPro-generated training session seems to have had that purpose of conserving energy, though for a different reason.

The training session was only 2,000 meters and was to be done at an easy pace.  The person who designed the software algorithm for generating the training program probably had it work out that way for today’s training session, because tomorrow’s training session is supposed to be a hard 6K, coded as “TT” which is the code for a Time Trial.

A time trial is sort of a pretend race.  There are no others competing but a person is supposed to work as hard as if he’s trying to win a race.

In order to get a total of at least 10K meters rowing today, the training session was preceded by a SUPER easy 8K.  Screenshots and other details follow:

Supplemental 8K finish screen
Supplemental 8K report
Supplemental 8K graphs

AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-finish AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-detail AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-rpt AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-gph

Happy rowing to you.