Competing Without Training For It


If you compete in an event without training specifically for it beforehand, what kind of result might you expect?  You’ll have to answer that question for yourself because your experience might  be different than mine.

As for myself, I hadn’t thought about it before entering in the 2017 World Rowing Indoor Sprints.  The distance was 1K.  I did it and placed 6th in my age group.  I wonder if any of the 5 guys ahead of me trained specifically for doing a 1K at that time?

Well, it was a lot of fun to be in an actual race, even though I did finish behind 5 other guys. That happened a few days ago, on March 11th…

TODAY is March 17th. Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Today’s training was a rest and recovery session of 6,000 meters.  I did 4K of warmup and warm down to bring the day’s total up to 10K for the ongoing Mud Season Madness Challenge on

finish screen of the 6K portion for today
today’s training details
If you notice that the warmup and warm down took an exorbitant amount of time for the meters rowed, that’s because they were each interrupted.
Graph of the 6K portion of today’s training.

If you are looking for the results of today’s strength training session, here it is:


Happy rowing to you.

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