Before starting today’s workout session there was no plan for what to do.
Usually, I decide what the workouts will be before entering the 10 foot by 10 foot room where SkiErg and rowing machine hang out, but not this morning. This morning, I was detachedly observing my subconscious as it tried to steer me away from that room.
Rather than give in to the subconscious nudges urging me to procrastinate, I just walked into the room and changed into workout clothes.
Normally this is enough to get things going and it worked again today.
The main workout today was a 200 Calorie session on the SkiErg. That session had a goal of keeping pace as close as possible to 2:17/500 meters. It was done at RPE Level 3.
Following the SkiErg session, there was a 1,000 meter rowing warm down which was interrupted for a few minutes after about 500 meters.
All totaled, the two sessions burned a little more energy than a 1.9 ounce, 250 Calorie Snickers candy bar. It has been years since I’ve had a candy bar but I may still be carrying around some calories from a few of the candy bars I ate in the distant past.

The total workout time for today’s two rather brief and easy sessions was about 24 minutes.

Happy rowing to you!