Today’s indoor rowing started with a 10K session which was done at a pace of 2:20/500 meters. It served as a warmup for the “race” which followed. The Apple Watch graph of HR recovery for two minutes immediately following the 10K warmup is below this paragraph:
The “race” was 4 intervals of 750 meters, with 3 minutes of rest after each 750 meter interval or 4×750 r3:00 in rowing shorthand. The latter was done for this month’s challenge, called The Red Line Rev Up, after the rowing club whose idea it was. The Apple Watch graph of HR recovery for two minutes immediately following the 4×750 r3:00 is below this paragraph:
As a final warm down, I rowed gently for 5 minutes. The recovery graph after the 5 minute warm down is not worth looking at since the heart rate was already so low at the end.
A comment about the “race”: Since I so seldom row hard, I wasn’t sure what pace to attempt. The first 750 meters was attempted at a pace of 1:48 but that turned out to be too fast, when I started having trouble getting enough air into my lungs with each inhalation. So I did the next two 750 meter intervals quite a bit slower. Those seemed a bit too easy, so I did the final interval a bit harder than the middle two, but slower than the very first interval. As a result, the graph of pace for the string of 4 intervals is shaped a bit like a lop-sided bowl.
Here are screenshots relating to the rowing done today:

Happy rowing to you.