While I was changing from rowing clothes back into jeans and t-shirt, my better half walked into the room and remarked, “You worked out for a long time! Are you making up for some missed workouts?” I gazed at her and gathered my thoughts for a moment before responding, “No. It wasn’t a long workout, but I spent a lot of time sitting and thinking.”

Today’s rowing workout was 5,000 meters rowing at specific target stroke rates for each of the five 1K splits. The rating targets were 26-24-22- 24-26 Strokes Per Minute. It took a lot of mental focus. I had a dreamy attitude but the wandering thoughts and daydreaming were done before and after the 5K with its targeted strokes-per-minute for each 1K split.
After the rowing, I did a 129 Calorie session on the SkiErg, arranged in alternating splits of 10 calories work/10 calories rest.

Happy rowing to you!