Scheduling an online rowing session with other people isn’t guaranteed to conquer any tendency to procrastinate about doing some daily rowing. Everybody knows that the “hardest thing about running” is “putting on your shoes and going out the door” or whatever is your equivalent “ON switch” that gets you started. Its hard, because you can always find something else to do first, before going out the door to run.
Same with rowing. There are always plenty of other little things that can be done first.
Yesterday, I scheduled an online rowing session for 7 a.m., set my wake-up alarm for 5 a.m. and set a second reminder alarm for 6 a.m.
The alarm woke me at 6 a.m. and when I looked to see why the 5 a.m. alarm hadn’t done its job, I discovered that it was also set for 6 a.m. Hmm. I can’t explain that.
My heart was being irregular again so I tried doing a 10 minute sort of warm up rowing session which helped it settle down a bit. The warm up session was recorded and can be rowed-along with at this link: Indoor Rowing 10 Mins 08212018

Heart rate was still a bit flip-floppy irregular when the scheduled session started, but I took it easy so as not to get the heart over-excited and it settled down into a well-behaved semblance of normalcy.
The scheduled session was also recorded, though I forgot to start recording it until just after the session started. The YouTube link for the scheduled session of 30 minutes is located here: Indoor Rowing About 30 minutes online 08212018

Happy rowing to you.