Lately, I’ve been using the distance or time rowed by one of my training partners as inspiration for the session. Today was another of those, and I chose to row 7,812 meters because it was the total distance rowed by training partner “FR” on June 13th.
One of the properties of the number 7812 is that it is an abundant number, thus today’s title. Because 7812 is an abundant number, there was an abundance of integers, equal to or less than 30, from which I could choose to have RowPro 5 for the Mac divide the distance into equal splits.
I chose 28 splits and counted down from 28 to 1, as each split was rowed during the session. I counted out loud, but so quietly that it is probably not audible on the screen recording.
The screen recording is at: Indoor Rowing 7812 meters 06162018

Happy rowing to you.