The plan today was to NOT do any HIIT during this 10K because of the suspicion that yesterday’s heart issues may have been caused by doing too much HIIT for several days in a row prior to yesterday. Hope realized and heart behaved normally today.
Of course, the heart problems yesterday could have been triggered by many other things. Including sleep problems. At about 4:15 this morning, after becoming wide awake following a trip to the bathroom, I found myself staring at the glowing clock faces as shown in the photo below.

There are actually three clock faces, as you can see in the photo below this paragraph. But only two of them are visible in the darkness before sunrise.

I managed to go back to sleep and get another hour’s worth of sleep before the alarm woke me at 06:00. A graph of last night’s sleep is below this paragraph.

A screen recording was made of today’s rowing and will be available later today at this link: Indoor Rowing Hope Realized 11142018

Happy rowing to you.