Today’s rowing session was the third day in a row in which I boldly included a small degree of relatively intensive (for me) rowing. The reason I have been so bold is because I recently ordered a device which will enable me to get a daily reading of Heart Rate Variability, to use as a “coach”, “guide” or whatever analogy you’d like to use for the biomarker or medical “signpost” provided by the day to day trend of HRV.
Before learning about HRV, I had backed off from and mostly avoided rowing very hard, lest I overdo it and cause injury of some sort. But after reading about and watching video talks about HRV, it looks like the answer to that problem. If properly used, the cumulative analysis of daily HRV readings can tell if a person is stressed to the point where rest is needed.
The image at the top of today’s entry is from a website named Minding the Borderlands, in an informative article focusing on HRV titled “Heart Rate Variability: The Amazing Biomarker for Understanding Our Body, Health and Fitness“.
Today’s session was 30 minutes online in the company of several others who were located in the US and Europe. Though I finished a distant last place compared to all the others, I rowed at what was for me a relatively intensive pace compared to what has been typical for quite a while. It felt good.
For those of you who would like to row-along with today’s session, a screen recording has been uploaded and is available at this link: Indoor Rowing 30 mins online and WD 12042018

Happy rowing to you.