Today’s rowing session started out with me in a pensive mood, after having returned from a bi-annual doctor visit. The rowing piece chosen was 10,000 meters which I opted to do offline because I was fairly certain that my average pace would be far too slow for any of my most usual online companions.
Starting out, I decided to watch some video documentaries on youtube. I had to row very slow, to be able to give attention to what was being said and to be able to hear it clearly.
After about 5,000 meters of that, I switched to a rowing video on youtube which was about 28 minutes in duration and which included several intervals of 30 seconds and 60 seconds duration. That was quite enjoyable, so the Idea For Tomorrow’s Rowing Session is to do 10,000 meters while watching that same video and use whatever distance remains of the 10K after the 28 minute video is finished, for a warm down. If that is done tomorrow, the blog post will include a screen shot of the video and a link to it, for anyone else who wants to try rowing with it.
It has a sound track with a musical rhythm that works well with its alternating scenes of relatively slow rowing and sprint intervals.

Happy rowing to you.