When I did both push-ups and rowing today, I did them in the order above, from left to right. Push-ups first, and then today’s rowing. The lady on the left is demonstrating perfect form in the lowest position of a push-up – her elbows are about 90 degrees and her chest is a couple inches from the ground. The guy on the right is demonstrating perfect form at the start of a rowing stroke.
An indoor rowing acquaintance told me about how he’s incorporating some strength training into his weekly routine, along with rowing. Push-ups were mentioned. I tried doing some push-ups, to see how many I could still do and the result was a paltry three.
So I got a book on the subject, called “7 Weeks To 100 Push-Ups,” by Steve Speirs. I read the instructions in the book and took the test. The test result was that I did 5 push-ups. I don’t know why there was an increase of 2, from a week or so before getting the book. But anyway – that put me into “beginner level 2” of 7 different possible levels.
Today was the first day. There will be 3 push-up workouts every week. The results for today can be seen in the image below.
After doing each set of push-ups, a person must wait and rest for 60 seconds before doing the next set. So the entire routine took about 7 or 8 minutes. But… there was a special push-ups warmup routine before doing the actual push-ups and the warmup routine took about 15 minutes. Altogether, 25 minutes or less for strength training today.
Today’s rowing was a 6,000 meter training session which included three 2oo meter intervals:
finish screen after today’s training session.Details for today’s trainingSession report for today’s training.Graphs for today’s training.