To say it another way, the rowing chart of a well-behaved heart is not messy, like the charts for yesterday’s session, with all the gaps and vertical lines for every time the heart rate was too irregular to be measured by the heart strap.
And yes, today’s rowing session was unblemished by irregularity or tachycardia of any sort.
Today started a bit late and so when I was able to get to the rowing machine, I was in a “just do it” frame of mind. The 10K was done at an easy pace, slightly increasing for most of the session and then it tapered during the last part, especially the last 2K which served as a warm down.
The session was uploaded to YouTube and is available as a screen recording at the following link: “Indoor Rowing 71 years old 10K Tapered 03212018”

Happy rowing to you. Just do it.