A Slow Climb Into Heart Rate Zone

Today’s session was another 10K.  With a heart rate target zone. At the beginning, I felt a bit tired and decided to use the first 3K as a warmup instead of ramping up immediately to get into the target zone of 138-150 BPM.

After the first 3K I decided to continue the slower pace and see how it went.  I’m not sure if I was tired or if the particular music playlist I chose to listen to through earphones was a drag.  I didn’t care for any of the music, so it may have at least been a contributing factor.

Whatever the underlying reason, every stroke was accompanied with reluctance and inertia and required extra willpower to do.  Therefore today’s session is not being tagged in the category of “Fun Workout”. It did feel good and resemble “fun”, however, when it was finished.

A screen recording of the session is available for row-along at: Indoor Rowing Slow Climb To Heart Zone 10312018

Happy rowing to you.