Are you familiar with the formula for determining your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220? The formula may be written: 220 – AGE = HRmax.
If you know a person’s maximum heart rate, you can thereby deduce the person’s age by rearranging the formula as: 220 – HRmax = AGE.
Today in one of the workout sessions my heart rate maxed out at 204, therefore today it was acting very juvenile. To be precise, it was acting 220-204= sixteen years old. I was so focused on the effort during that 2,000 meter SkiErg piece, that I didn’t notice how high my teeny-bopper heart rate reached until afterwards. After uploading the results, I looked at the graphs closely, the way the Concept 2 online logbook lets you do if you use their app (ErgData) and it if it was wirelessly connected to the SkiErg monitor during the session.

One session was recorded and posted on YouTube, the 500 meter rowing sprint. It can be found at this link: Indoor Rowing 500 meters in 1 minute 58 seconds 07232019
In total there were five sessions today, which were in this chronological order, one right after the other. A summary list of the workouts is below, (but I will only include data/graph screenshots for three of them):
- A brief warmup on SkiErg
- An attempt at a 2,000 meter sprint on SkiErg
- A brief SkiErg warm down
- A 500 meter moderate rowing sprint and
- A 2000 meter supplemental warm down.

Happy rowing to you!